Only in Wrap4D
Splits blendshapes of the input Blendshape Rig by the input vertex mask and symmetry suffixes. Input mask corresponds to the first suffix, the second suffix corresponds to the inverted mask.
- Blendshape Rig
Blendshape Rig to be splitted.- Vertex Mask
Split Vertex mask.
- Blendshape Rig
Blendshape Rig with splitted blendshapes.
- First Merge Suffix:
new symmetry suffix corresponded to input vertex mask.
- Second Merge Suffix:
new symmetry suffix corresponded to inverted input vertex mask. It is paired with the First Merge Suffix.
- Include Heroshapes:
whitelist of heroshape names to split, separated by comma. Example:
JawOpen, Funnel, Blink
.- Exclude Heroshapes:
blacklist of heroshape names, separated by comma. Excluded heroshapes are unchanged.
Blacklist overrides whitelist. If each list contains one heroshape name, this heroshape will not be splitted. If the heroshape name is not on any of the lists, this heroshape will be excluded.
In whitelist and blacklist heroshape name depends on the order of the suffixes. For example, if you will write Jaw_L_Left
, it will not select Jaw_Left_L heroshape.
You can use special characters to simplify whitelist and blacklist. ?
equals to one arbitrary character. For example Jaw_?_Left
selects Jaw_L_Left and Jaw_R_Left heroshapes. *
equals to any number of arbitrary characters. For example Jaw*
selects each heroshape, starting with Jaw
: JawOpenExtreme, Jaw_R_Left, JawOpen, Jaw_Right_L; *
list value selects all heroshapes.
Visual Editor
The visual editor displays a list of output Blendshape Rig controls. In the visual editor, special controls are highlighted:
Control names with splitted heroshapes are white.
Control names with excluded heroshapes are gray.
Result control values become equal to the control values whose split they are the result of. Correct blendshapes are split according to the splitted heroshapes.
Example input Symmetry Mask:

Example Result