NodeIcon SelectPoints

The node lets you select named points on a model, remove and rename them. It also allows loading and saving points to a file.

You can merge two sets of named points using a MergePoints node.

Two sets of named points can be combined into PointCorrespondences using a PointsToPointPairs node.


SelectPoints node has a visual editor that allows adding, removing, editing, and renaming points.


to add a new point


to remove a point

click and drag a point

to move it

Point position is stored relative to a mesh triangle in which the point is located so the same point selection is suitable for different models with the same topology.



Geometry An input geometry


NamedPointsOnTriangle Named Points On Triangle


Show Point Labels:

if set, point names are displayed in the visual editor

Show Invisible Points:

if not set, unselected points invisible from current point of view will not be displayed

Base Name:

a base name for a newly created point


defines a minimal number of digits that will be used in the name of a newly created point

No Symmetry

don’t use symmetry


use topological symmetry


use symmetry in X-axis


use symmetry in Y-axis


use symmetry in Z-axis

Rename All Points:

renames all the points according to specified base name and padding.


renames a selected point


deletes a selected point


loads named points from a file


saves the points into a file

File Formats

Named points can be exported in the following JSON formats:

Point On Triangle

The points are represented in the following JSON format:

[ [0, 0.3, 0.5], [1, 0.0, 1.0] ]

This line stores two points. Each point is represented with 3 numbers:

  • index of the triangle containing the point

  • the first barycentric coordinate of the point inside the triangle

  • the second barycentric coordinate of the point inside the triangle


If a model contains polygons with more than 3 vertices Wrap implicitly stores a triangulated version of the model. Wrap uses naive fan triangulation with the fan origin at the first vertex of the polygon.


Barycentric coordinates is a way to encode point position inside a triangle with two numbers U and V. If a triangle has 3 vertices with 3D coordinates A, B and C, barycentric coordinates U and V defines a point in 3D which position is calculated like:

P = A * U + B * V + C * (1 - U - V)

Named Point On Triangle

The points are represented in the following JSON format:

{ "Point01" : [0, 0.3, 0.5], "Point02" : [1, 0.0, 1.0] }


This JSON format stores point coordinates in 3D space.

[ [ 0.1, 0.5, 1.2 ], [ 0.0, 1.7, 0.9 ] ]

This line stores two points. Each point is represented with 3 numbers:

  • X coordinate of the point

  • Y coordinate of the point

  • Z coordinate of the point