NodeIcon SaveBlendRig

Only in Wrap4D

Saves a neutral geometry, blendshapes and relaxation masks from an input Blendshape Rig. Applies Blendshape Rig transform to vertices.


BlendRig Blendshape rig to be saved


Neutral Mesh File Name:

a neutral geometry file name to be saved.

Save Neutral:

if set, the node will save a neutral expression.

Blendshapes Folder Name:

a blendshapes folder name to save rig blendshapes.

Blendshape Vertices Format:
Blendshape Vertices

saved blendshape is taken from the input blendshape rig without changes.

Neutral With Blendshape Deltas

saved blendshape consist of neutral vertices to which the blendshape deltas used in blendshapes rig have been added. You can load saved blendshapes with LoadBlendRig node using a similar parameter.

Blendshape Deltas

saved blendshape consist of deltas used in blendshapes rig. You can load saved blendshapes with LoadBlendRig node using a similar parameter.

Save Blendshapes Format:

blendshapes will be saved in Obj format.


blendshapes will be saved in Ply format.

Save Blendshapes:

if set, the node will save all blendshapes into selected folder.

Relaxation Masks Folder Name:

a folder name to save blendshape rig relaxation masks.

Save Relaxation Masks:

if set, the node will save all relaxation masks into selected folder.

Create Intermediate Directories:

if set, nonexistent directories in the file path will be created.

Compute Current Frame:

computes the node at the current frame and saves the result to a file.

Compute Frame Range:

opens Compute Frame Range Dialog to render node graph in multiple background processes.