SelectPointPairsWithSplines allows you to draw splines on two geometries and get PointCorrespondences
between sampled to points.
Works as two nodes SelectPointsWithSplines connected to PointsToPointPairs node (similar to SelectPointPairs node).
SelectPointPairsWithSplines node has a visual editor that allows adding, removing and editing splines on both Left geometry and Right geometry.
In idle state:
on geometry to start drawing a new spline |
on existing spline to start drawing a new spline |
on spline to select it |
on selected spline to continue drawing |
on spline and drag to edit |
to delete spline point |
D |
to switch between drawing splines and showing result points modes |
When drawing a spline:
on geometry to add point to spline |
on spline and drag to edit |
to delete spline point |
on geometry to add shortest path to spline |
to finish spline |
LMB outside geometry |
to finish spline |
to cancel spline drawing |
Splines positions are stored as set of control points relative to a mesh triangles in which the control points are located so the same splines is suitable for different models with the same topology.
If model has topological or X/Y/Z symmetry you can use Symmetry parameter to draw or edit symmetrical splines simultaneously.
- Left geometry
Geometry that will be displayed on the left hand side in the visual editor- Right geometry
Geometry that will be displayed on the right hand side in the visual editor
Point correspondences between points sampled from splines
- Num Points per Spline:
defines a number of resulted sampled points per spline
- Show:
- Splines
enables editing splines mode
- Result Points
enables showing resulted sampled points mode
- Show Labels:
if set, splines and resulted sampled points names are displayed in the visual editor
- Sync Views:
if set, synchronize left and right viewports inside the editor
- Set Positions:
if pressed, saves the relative position of the cameras between the left and right viewports and, if Sync Views is enabled, will dynamically change the position of the second camera when the first changes
- Clear Positions:
if pressed, clears the relative position of the cameras between the left and right viewports
- Swap Splines:
if pressed, swaps splines between right and left geometry
Side Geometry
- Snap to Vertices:
if set, when drawing or changing spline control points they will be placed at the nearest vertex of the geometry
- Symmetry:
- No Symmetry
draw and edit one spline at a time
- Topological
draw and edit two splines by topological symmetry at a time
- X
draw and edit two splines by X-axis symmetry at a time
- Y
draw and edit two splines by Y-axis symmetry at a time
- Z
draw and edit two splines by Z-axis symmetry at a time
- Modify Selected:
- Mirror
creates a symmetric spline for the current selection if the geometry has topological symmetry
- Reverse
reverses the order of control points of the selected spline
- Delete
deletes the selected spline
- Resample Control Points
resamples the control points of the selected spline
- Swap Up
swaps currently selected spline with previous
- Swap Down
swaps currently selected spline with next
- Delete All Splines
deletes all the splines
- Source:
- User Input
splines can be edited by user, also it can be loaded and saved to file specified in File Name parameter.
- File
splines is not editable, for each frame it is loaded from a file spiceified in File Name parameter.
- Splines Format:
- Named Splines of Points on Triangles
main storage format for splines as named arrays of positions on triangles
- Splines of Points on Triangles
main storage format for splines as an array of arrays of positions on triangles (Doesn’t save spline names)
- Named Splines of 3D-Points
main storage format for splines as named arrays of 3D-points
- Splines of 3D-Points
main storage format for splines as an array of arrays of 3D-points (Doesn’t save spline names)
- Splines as Named Control Points on Triangles
a format that allows you to import and export splines as a set of named positions on triangles
- Splines as Named Control 3D-Points
a format that allows you to import and export splines as a set of named 3D-points
- Single Spline as Control Points on Triangles
a format that allows you to import and export selected spline as array of positions on triangles (Doesn’t save spline name)
- Single Spline as Control 3D-Points
a format that allows you to import and export selected spline as array of 3D-points (Doesn’t save spline name)
- File Name:
a file path to import or export from (use Import and Export buttons below). Supports Path Interpretation.