NodeIcon DistortImage

Applies lens distortion using the parameters stored in the calibration camera and crops the selected part of the image.


For more information about the distortion used, see the Camera node.



When importing camera into the Camera node, make sure you set Import principal point option!



Image Input image


Camera Calibration camera


Image Output distorted image


Boundary Type:

See a scheme below

Keep Intrinsic

Using camera calibration parameters

Inner Boundary

Adjusts the image so that all pixels in the image are preserved, but areas with unnecessary pixels appear

In Between Boundary

Intermediate result between Inner Boundary and Outer Boundary

Outer Boundary

Adjust the image to remove any unnecessary pixels, but also some of the image pixels are cropped

Undistortion Method:
Reality Capture

The undistorted image is similar to the result of Reality Capture

Reset Optical Center:

If set, the center of the image will match the optical center (In other words, the Camera principal point will be set at (0, 0))

Accept Zero Distortion:

If not set and all camera distortion coefficients are zero, the node will return an error