Adjusts an Image
’s brightness, saturation, gamma, contrast, adjust black and white points, etc.
- Image
An input image.
Adjusted input image.
- Brightness:
adding value to the image’s each pixel color value
- Saturation:
multiplying by value saturation of the image (Hue, Saturation, Luma notation, see Color Lightness Formula)
- Gamma:
raise the image’s each pixel color value to power of
1 / gamma
. If set to zero, results in zero or ±infinity values- Contrast:
pushing the image’s pixel color values from the midrange
- Gain:
scaling the image’s pixel color values around black, i.e. multiplication by value
- Lift:
scaling the image’s pixel color values around white
- Low, High:
if changed, rescales the image’s pixel color values in Low and High bounds
- Clamp by Low and High:
if set, each value is truncated in Low and High bounds
- Predivide and Postmultiply:
if set, before the computation divide the image color channels by it’s alpha channel. After the computation re-multiply them back
- Method:
- OpenGL
render via OpenGL. Requires OpenGL 2.1 context
slower computing on CPU
If you compute a project using WrapCmd command line interface or Node on a machine where OpenGL 2.1 is not available, the node will be computed with CPU method anyway.