Node-Graph Editor


Everything you do inside Wrap is working with nodes: creating nodes, connecting nodes and changing node parameters.

Create a Node

To create a node press the Tab key or the Right mouth button inside the Node-Graph Editor to show the list of nodes and select a node type you want to create.

Node-list menu contains all the possible node types you can create. Node types are grouped in several sections: Geometry, Image, Selection, Alignment.


If you start typing a node name, you will see a look-up menu of nodes. Press Enter to select the best match.

Node-Graph Editor Navigation

Click and drag a middle mouse button

to pan

Use mouse wheel

to zoom in/out

Click and drag a right mouse button

to zoon in/out


fit to view

Click on a node

to select it

SHIFT + click on a node

to add the node to selection

CTRL + click on a node

to remove the node from selection

Click and drag

to lasso-select multiple nodes

Click and drag node

to move it around

SHIFT + click and drag node

to move node and all it inputs

CTRL + click and drag node

to move node and all it outputs


to remove all selected nodes


to copy all selected nodes


to cut all selected nodes


to paste nodes


to paste keeping outer connections

Connect Nodes

In order to connect two nodes press LMB on the input/output of the first node and drag the cursor to the output/input of the second node.

Alternative way is to click and release LMB on the input/output of the first node, then click and release LMB on the output/input of the second node.

Each node can have several inputs and outputs. Each input or output is associated with a specific type (Geometry, Image, PolygonSelection). Every type has a unique color, for example Geometry is blue and Image is green.



Hold the cursor over a node input to see its name and type.

Multiple Node Inputs

Some inputs may accept any number of other nodes’ outputs, for example, Render node Geometries input.

In order to connect nodes to such input you can select several nodes, and then press, drag and release LMB from output of one of them to the destination multiple input. After LMB release all of them would be connected.



The order depends on the connecting nodes positions: they would be connected from left to right, from up to down.

For faster connecting one node’s output to several inputs and can press SHIFT + LMB on destination node inputs instead of usuall clicking.

Disconnect Nodes

Right-click on a connection curve and from the pop-up menu click Disconnect or click CTRL + LMB on it.


Right-click on an input or output of a node and from the pop-up menu click Disconnect All or click CTRL + LMB on it.


Check a Node Computation Status

Each time an input of the node or a node parameter is changed the node is recomputed.

If the computation fails, you will see a warning sign on the left of the node. If you click on the warning sign or hold the cursor over it, you will see the an error message.


Check a Node Info

If you click the RMB on the node, in the context menu you will see the Node Information action.


Clicking on the action will display a node information dialog which has some useful information about the node such as: a number of vertices or polygroups in the mesh, flags displaying whether the geomety is manifold or not, etc.


Rename Node

Each node has a unique name. Select a node and click F2 to rename it. Alternatively, click RMB on the node and select Rename from the context menu.

Change 3D-Node Visibility

Each node like LoadGeom that renders itself into a 3D-viewport has a lamp sign. Click the lamp sign to turn on/off the node visibility inside 3D-viewport.


CTRL + click on a lamp sign to toggle exclusive visibility inside 3D-viewport. The node will become visible while the rest of the nodes in the node-graph will be hidden from 3D-viewport.