Creates a camera object that can be used for multiple purposes:
rendering geometry using a Render node
projecting points from 2D space onto 3D geometry using a ProjectScreenPoints node
for FacialDetection and FacialAnnotation
Camera node has a visual editor that shows Wrap scene through the camera view.
Camera object
- Copy from Main Camera:
copies camera parameters, position, and orientation from the main viewport camera
- Import:
imports camera from a file. The following formats are supported:
- JSON format
to import cameras exported from Wrap
- Agisoft Metashape (XML format)
to import cameras from Agisoft Metashape
- Reality Capture (XMP, CSV and FBX formats)
to import cameras from Reality Capture
- FBX format
to import cameras from any software that supports camera export in FBX format (like Maya, Blender, etc.)
- Export:
exports camera to a file. The following formats are supported:
- JSON format
to export camera in Wrap camera format
- Text fotmat
to export camera in Wrap camera format
- FBX Binary format
to export camera in FBX Binary format
- FBX ASCII format
to export camera in FBX ASCII format
- Resolution:
camera width and height in pixels
The camera resolution can be overridden in other nodes that use a camera as an input.
- Projection Type:
- Perspective
perspective projection
- Orthographic
orthographic projection
- Field of View:
vertical field of view measured in degrees
- Near Plane:
distance to the near clipping plane
- Far Plane:
distance to the far clipping plane
- Principal Point X:
horizontal offset of the principal point
- Principal Point Y:
vertical offset of the principal point
Distortion tab
- Coef. K1:
the first radial distortion coefficient
- Coef. K2:
the second radial distortion coefficient
- Coef. K3:
the third radial distortion coefficient
- Coef. P1:
the first tangent distortion coefficient
- Coef. P2:
the second tangent distortion coefficient
The Camera node uses Brown’s lens distortion model with 3 radial and 2 tangential coefficients. Visit Distortion(optics) and OpenCV Calibration for more details.
Import a Camera from other Software
The Camera node lets you import cameras form photogrammetry software such as Agisoft Metashape and Reality Capture.
Also you can import camera to Wrap from any other software that supports exporting cameras in FBX file format.
More information about importing cameras from other software can be found in Import Cameras to Wrap.