Merges two images into a single one.
- Background
Background image- Foreground
Foreground image
Merged image
- Translation X:
foreground image position in the result image space along X axis
- Translation Y:
foreground image position in the result image space along Y axis
- Rotation:
foreground image clockwise rotation angle in degrees
- Scale:
foreground image scale factor
- Mode:
- Over
draw foreground over background
- Under
draw background over foreground
- Atop
as Over, but is restricted to the backgrounds alpha
- Inside
uses colors of foreground, but with backgrounds alpha
- Outside
uses colors of foreground, but with inverted backgrounds alpha
- Add
sum color channel values
- Multiply
multiply color channel values
- Screen
multiply color values leaving unchanged dark areas of foreground umage
- Overlay
multiplies or screens foreground image colors according to background image colors
- Darken
chooses darken color between original and multiplied colors
- Lighten
chooses lighten color between original and multiplied colors
- Color Dodge
brighten background image according to foreground image colors
- Color Burn
darken background image according to foreground image colors
- Hard Light
multiplies or screens foreground image colors according to background image colors
- Soft Light
darkens or lighten foreground image colors according to background image colors
- Difference
substract the brightest color channel values from the darkest one in background and foreground images
- Exclusion
the same effect as Difference mode but lower in contrast
- Average
takes the average of each pixel
- Blend:
foreground image blend factor. If Blend is zero the result image is same as background
- Wrap Method:
- Black
left pixels outside of the image with zero values (and zero alpha as well)
- Clamp
prolongate the border pixels of the image to fill the outside
- Periodic
duplicates image in both directions
- Mirror
same as Pediodic, but mirrors closest duplicates by correspondent direction
- Filter Method:
- Nearest Neighbor
left pixels sharp
- Bilinear
use weithed average of the 4 closest pixels
- Bicubic
use weithed average of the 9 closest pixels
- If Different Pixel Types:
- Use Highest
use pixel type with bigger depth. Check how pixel types are compared in Pixel Types Comparison
- Use Lowest
use pixel type with lower depth
- Use Background’s
use pixel type of Background’s input
- Use Foreground’s
use pixel type of Foreground’s input
- Error
MergeImage won’t compute if input images have different pixel types
Before actual merging images are preconverted to 32 bit float pixel type. It helps to merge properly images with different value ranges (check the Pixel Types section).
- If Different Channels Number:
Use Highest
Use Lowest
Use Background’s
Use Foreground’s
- Error
MergeImage won’t compute if input images have different channels count
- Method:
- OpenGL
render via OpenGL. Requires OpenGL 2.1 context
slower computing on CPU
If you compute a project using WrapCmd command line interface or Node on a machine where OpenGL 2.1 is not available, the node will be computed with CPU method anyway.