Modifies VertexMask
by selected mode.
A ModifyVertexMask node has an editor to preview resulted vertex mask.
- Geometry
Geometry corresponding to the input mask- Vertex Mask
VertexMask to be modified
Resulted vertex mask
- Mode:
- Expand
expand mask to neighbor vertices
- Shrink
shrink mask in a way opposite to Expand mode
- Laplacian Smoothing
smooth mask with Laplacian smoothing
- Smoothing In Radius
smooth mask between vertices in a specified radius
- Invert
invert all mask values
- Topological Mirror
mirrors mask by geometry’s topological symmetry
- Symmetrize
mixes mask between symmetry sides of geometry with topological symmetry
- Normalize
normalize mask values within specified boundaries
Expand Options Tab
- Iterations:
number of algorithm steps (or on how many neighbor vertices mask will be expanded).
Shrink Options Tab
- Iterations:
number of algorithm steps (or on how many neighbor vertices mask will be shrinked).
Laplacian Smoothing Options Tab
- Neighbours from:
- Polygon Edges
neighbours on polygon edges will be used for smoothing
- Triangle Edges
neighbours on the edges of triangles will be used for smoothing
- Strength:
Strength of smoothing effect with respect to original mask.
- Neighbours depth:
how many neighbors will be used for smoothing. (e.g. 1 - only neighbor vertices, 2 - neighbor vertices and neighbors of neighbor vertices).
- Iterations:
number of algorithm steps.
Smoothing In Radius Options Tab
- Radius:
maximum search distance (between vertices) for vertices involved in smoothing.
- Iterations:
number of algorithm steps.
Symmetrize Options Tab
- Side Dominance:
can be in range -1 to 1 and defines which side of the original mask will have bigger impact on the resulting mask. 0 means equal influence of both sides.
Normalize Options Tab
- Min:
can be in range 0 to 1 and can be used to decrease intensity of low values from input mask.
- Max:
can be in range 0 to 1 and can be used to increase intensity of high values from input mask.
- Midtones:
defines power to which initial mask will be raised (1/Midtones) increasing or decreasing its overall intensity.
- Min Clamp:
can be in range 0 to 1 and defines output minimum value of vertex mask.
- Max Clamp:
can be in range 0 to 1 and defines output maximum value of vertex mask.