Only in Wrap4D
Loads a neutral geometry, blendshapes, relaxation masks, and a rig config file and converts them to the Blendshape Rig.
Neutral geometry. Vertices, transforms, topology and visual parameters will be used in the output Blendshape Rig.
Loaded Blendshape Rig.
- Blendshapes:
rig blendshapes file names to be loaded. Blendshapes can be loaded as OBJ or PLY. Blendshape names must comply with the naming convention described in the documentation Naming.
- Import Blendshapes Vertices Format:
- Blendshape Vertices
loaded blendshape will be used in the rig creation without additional transformations.
- Neutral With Blendshape Deltas
loaded blendshape should consist of neutral vertices to which the blendshape deltas used in Blendshape Rig have been added. This parameter is used to load a Blendshape Rig saved by the node SaveBlendRig using a similar parameter.
- Blendshape Deltas
loaded blendshape should consist of deltas used in Blendshape Rig. This parameter is used to load a Blendshape Rig saved by the node SaveBlendRig using a similar parameter.
- Relaxation Masks:
relaxation masks file names to be loaded.
- Merged Attributes:
rig configuration json file name to be loaded. In the case of an empty path, an empty configuration will be used, in which there is not a single special suffix.
- Reload:
forces to reload neutral geometry, blendshapes, relaxation masks and rig config file.
- Attribute Separator:
separates Expression name and Suffixes in a heroshape name. By default it is “_”. It is saved in the structure of the Blendshape Rig and will be automatically used in the future (for example, in the node InsertBlendshapeToBlendRig, SaveBlendRig).
- Separator:
separates heroshape names in corrective blendshape names and relaxation mask names. By default it is “-”. It is saved in the structure of the Blendshape Rig and will be automatically used in the future (for example, in the node InsertBlendshapeToBlendRig, SaveBlendRig).
- Allow Mask-Blendshape Duplicates:
if set, allows to load relaxation masks and correct blendshapes, corresponding to the same heroshapes. For example you can load correct blendshape named JawOpen-Jaw_Left and relaxation mask with the same name. In this case, mixing result of corresponding heroshapes equals to the correct blendshape.
When loading blendshapes using the Blendshape Deltas parameter you can use different neutral 3D models (in the same topology), and these will be naive Blendshape Rigs of loaded neutral geometries.