NodeIcon BlendStabilization


The node provides a naive method for head stabilization. A user provides the node with a neutral head mesh and a set of examples. The examples should contain the same head with different extreme facial expressions. Each example expression should be manually aligned (stabilized) to the neutral mesh. The neutral and the expression meshes should be in the same topology.

When a new head model is passed to the node, the method fits the model by finding a proper global transformation and a linear combination of the provided examples. The the fit is done, the method reverses the transformation.

The method mainly relies on two areas on the face to do the stabilization: a forehead and a nose bridge. A user can specify those areas on the mesh by providing two polygon selections. Each area has a corresponding influence weight controlled by parameters.


BlendStabilization node has an editor which displays the geometry and the polygon selections



Geometry Geometry to be stabilized

First Polygon Mask

PolygonSelection First polygon selection usually corresponds to the forehead area

Second Polygon Mask

PolygonSelection Second polygon selection usually corresponds to the nose bridge


Geometry Stabilized geometry


Neutral reference:

a file path to the neutral mesh of the character to be stabilized. Should have the same topology as the input geometry

Blendshapes reference:

file paths to the expression meshes of the character to be stabilized. Should have the same topology as the input geometry. All the meshes should be accurately stabilized to the Neutral reference

First Weight:

influence weight of the first mask

Second Weight:

influence weight of the second mask